Jim Paisley Marketing Advertising & Consulting - Washington, CT 860-868-0623

Danbury Hospital Website

The Danbury Hospital Website

I often work with Larry Neary and his excellent ad agency, Marketing Resources. Larry asked me to help with the branding campaign for Danbury, a high-quality Connecticut hospital that had remained pretty much a local secret. Focus testing revealed their most marketable feature - excellent patient care, and led to our campaign -
"The Revolution in Caring has Begun."

We did great work for Danbury Hospital under challenging circumstances. In the process, I got to work with some really talented people - like composer Matt Berky, who composed the music for the "Revolution" broadcast spots, and Daryl Ohrt - who is designing the hospital's new web presence. I also got to work with a lot of doctors. I learned that teaching doctors the value of working together towards a common marketing goal is like teaching cats how to play Bridge.

Branding for Danbury Hospital included TV, Radio and print ads, as well as outdoor and DVD production for their Center for Weight Loss Surgery. See examples below.

Jim Paisley - Danbury Hospital TV

Danbury Hospital TV

Jim Paisley - Danbury Hospital TV

Danbury Hospital TV


Magazine Ad


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